Slow Carb Diet – Day 1

This is Day 1 for me of the Slow Carb diet. I read about it in The 4 Hour Body by Tim Ferris. I know I should wait for the scale I ordered to start it so I have accurate starting stats, but I figured it couldn’t hurt. So I have no accurate weight or…

Slow Carb Diet

I’m about to start the Slow Carb Diet as described by Tim Ferris in his book The 4-Hour Body. I just need to order the bio-impedance scale and body measuring tape. And go to the grocery store. It seems like a pretty easy diet. It’s mostly about what not to eat rather than counting calories…

Unsolicited Advice

It seems like everyone always has advice to offer about why you shouldn’t pursue done new idea. Occasionally they’re right, but mostly they are just projecting their own fear of failure. Listen, but make your own decisions.

Pickling for banh mi

First time pickling for banh mi! Val bought the book for me for my birthday. Daikon and carrot, citrus purple cabbage, and lemon grass snow pea. They are all sweet pickles, but I used about half the sugar the recipe called for. Can’t wait to see how it turns out!

Antminer and a Minor Setback

I got my new Antminer S3+ hooked up and working last night. Had a few snags with network config, but finally got it mining on Super exciting. Then I hooked my 2 Gridseed back up and BOOM!! Dead power supply. I guess all together, those things draw more than a kilowatt. Damn. Guess I’ll…

Too Many Projects

Always too many projects to keep track of. This is an attempt to keep up with them and maybe even help some one else through what I figure out. What I’d like this to be is a place where I can not only list the many irons I have in the fire, but keep up…


I’ve just recently started into the fascinating world of cryptocurrency. I’m currently CPU mining Litecoin. I know I’ll never make a significant amount, but I think it’s fun. If I make a few cents here and there, that’s fine. Maybe I can get a usable video card at Goodwill or something and try GPU mining.

I hope this isn’t boring.

This is the personal blog of Russell Stinnett. That’s me. I’m thinking it will mostly just be stories as I remember them, idle ramblings, life updates, projects, interests, etc. Maybe someone will find it interesting. Who knows. It’s not really for anyone but me anyway.