Slow Carb Diet – Day 1

This is Day 1 for me of the Slow Carb diet. I read about it in The 4 Hour Body by Tim Ferris. I know I should wait for the scale I ordered to start it so I have accurate starting stats, but I figured it couldn’t hurt. So I have no accurate weight or body fat info for this first post. I estimate that I weigh 170 lbs (based on last time I weighed myself) and about 17% body fat (based on pictures in 4-Hour Body). My target is 155-160 with 10-12% body fat. It’s been too long since I was that lean (145 lbs, 8-10% body fat), and I pretty much lived on a bicycle (pedicab and bike delivery) at that time. Anyway, here we go on the Slow Carb Diet!


2 eggs fried in butter
a good handful of spinach, wilted
1/2 cup black beans
1 cup of black tea with 1/2 tsp agave nectar and 1 1/2 tbsp whole milk
32+ oz water

I know agave nectar and milk aren’t on the diet, but I’m out of coffee and this is about the only way I like tea. I’ll get more coffee today.

12 oz water (one bottle)
~6 oz coffee (black)


1 cup black beans (lightly salted and peppered)
2.4 oz chicken breast
1/2 avocado
2 hard boiled eggs
brussel sprouts
16+ oz water

this might have been a little too much food

12 oz water (one bottle)
6-10 oz coffee

Update (6:00 pm): Starting stats are 170 lbs even, 18.6% body fat and 62% water. Pretty good guess work.


3/4 cup black beans
2.6 oz chicken
green beans
fresh onion
fresh tomato
1/2 avocado

Never did poop, but man did I ever pee a lot.

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