Adding an Encrypted Physical Volume to an Existing Volume Group

Recently I noticed that the 500 GB SSD on my desktop was getting dangerously low on space. I cleaned out my Downloads folder, deleted some movies I had saved, and emptied the trash to clear up some space. I knew that this was only a temporary solution and that I would need to think about…

Building a new VPS using Ubuntu and Docker

I’m working on building up a new VPS using Ubuntu 20.04 and Docker for all the services. This seems straight forward, but so far it’s presented some unique issues that I don’t think I’d have on a conventional setup. I think the first trouble I ran into is just the number of prebuilt images available…

Import Google contacts into abook

I’ve been trying to figure out how to import Google contacts into abook for awhile. I was repeatedly disappointed that I couldn’t find any useful and up-to-date instructions or scripts. It turns out that abook is way more powerful and configurable than I thought. The answer was right in front of me the whole time….

How to Rename Similar Files at the Command Prompt Using Sed

Using a simple “script” at the command line, you can rename a bunch of similar filenames with ease. Say you’ve got something like: foo-001, foo-002 and foo-003, but you want them to be bar-001, bar-002 and bar-003. The script will look like : $ for i in `ls -1 foo*`; do mv $i `echo $i…

Really really setting the default browser is XFCE

I had the problem that Evolution kept opening Firefox when I’d click a link even though I have Google Chrome set as my default browser in the XFCE Settings. After a little digging, I found this obscure post. Issueing the first command gvfs-mime –query x-scheme-handler/http told me : This tool has been deprecated, use ‘gio…