3D Printing Problems

My printer had been working pretty well for a long time. The quality had started to slowly degrade, but I still considered it well within acceptable tolerances. Then, finally, I started experiencing intermittent clogs. I tried cleaning the nozzle as best as I could, soaking in acetone (well, my girlfriend’s nail polish remover), heating the…

Import Google contacts into abook

I’ve been trying to figure out how to import Google contacts into abook for awhile. I was repeatedly disappointed that I couldn’t find any useful and up-to-date instructions or scripts. It turns out that abook is way more powerful and configurable than I thought. The answer was right in front of me the whole time….

Installing ArchLinux with Encrypted LVM, UEFI and GPT

This is not a definitive guide. This is just what I learned installing and booting to a command prompt with /boot, /home and root defined as logical volumes inside of an encrypted partition. As I’ve said, this is by no means an exhaustive guide. It’s more like a list of specific steps and resources for…

How to Rename Similar Files at the Command Prompt Using Sed

Using a simple “script” at the command line, you can rename a bunch of similar filenames with ease. Say you’ve got something like: foo-001, foo-002 and foo-003, but you want them to be bar-001, bar-002 and bar-003. The script will look like : $ for i in `ls -1 foo*`; do mv $i `echo $i…

Powerline Symbols in Urxvt in Ubuntu

The distro is actually Pop_OS, but I seem to remember having to do this in Debian as well. The GitHub Powerline page says that you can just install the fonts-powerline package through apt and angels will sing. I did not have any such luck. The way I finally got it to work was to actually…

Installing My Desktop Environment in Debian/Ubuntu/PopOS

For compiling and installing i3-gaps, basically just follow this guide. For Termite, you’ll have to install vte-ng, and you can use this guide to do both. NOTE: For the vte-ng dependencies, you’ll also need intltool. Initially, $ termite is returning termite: symbol lookup error: termite: undefined symbol: vte_terminal_set_cursor_position, but everything compiled and installed correctly. So…

Last Minute Training for 3M

I’m an idiot. The 3M Half Marathon is right around the corner and I have barely trained. That’s not entirely true, I just haven’t trained much in the last few weeks. I was doing a really good job about keeping up with it for the first 2 months or so, running 3 times a week,…

Back to Training

After taking several weeks off from training, I now have just 3 weeks to prepare for my upcoming half marathon. Dammit. I didn’t mean to take that long off and now I’m in terrible shape again! It’s just so easy to keep being lazy when the alternative is harder than chilling on the couch. Anyway,…

Mopidy + PulseAudio + ncmpcpp

Oof. This was a real trick and a little bit of guess work, but I finally got the visualization in ncmpcpp to work with mopidy and pulseaudio. First, I found the ArchLinux ncmpcpp config walkthrough. That seemed really straight foward… but it didn’t work for me. After some dicking around, I figured it’s probably because…

Changing Default Browser in Debian

Not too long ago I wrote a short article about my findings in switching my default x-scheme-handler to Chrome for opening links from mutt. I used gio, and somehow it turned out to be pretty straight forward. I recently decided to switch back to Firefox for my browser, but now following links and viewing html…